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Terms of use

Last updated: September 8th, 2023

This privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy“) explains how personal information is collected, used, stored, and disclosed by Litigy LTD, (“Lint,“ “we,“ “us,“ and “our“).

Who we are

Welcome to Lint (“we, “us“ or “our“), which is owned and operated by Lint by Litigy LTD and Lint Universal Technologies LTD, is a personal and business finance assistant solution. We are an independent contractor for all purposes, providing this website and our services on an independent financial assistant provider basis. We do not have control or assume the liability or legality for the products or services that are paid for with our service.

This Terms of Use is an agreement between you and Lint. It details Lint“s obligations to you. It also highlights certain risks of using the services and you must consider such risks carefully as you will be bound by the provision of this Agreement through your use of this website or any of our services.

This Terms of Use constitutes a contractual agreement between yourself and Lint, outlining the respective obligations of both parties. It elucidates the commitments Lint has towards you, while also drawing attention to specific risks associated with utilizing our services. It is imperative that you thoroughly evaluate these potential risks, as your engagement with this website or any of our services signifies your acceptance and adherence to the terms outlined within this Agreement.

Use of Service

Responsible Use and Conduct

Upon your visit to our website and utilization of the information, tools, services (collectively referred to as “Services“), applications, products, and provisions we offer, whether through direct or indirect means, you hereby affirm your commitment to employ these Resources strictly for their intended purposes, in accordance with both (a) the stipulations outlined in this User Agreement, and the pertinent laws, regulations, and widely recognized online conventions or guidelines.

Unauthorized Usage: In this context, you understand that:

  • In order to access our Services, you may be required to provide certain information about yourself (such as First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc.) as part of the registration process (the “Registration Information“), or as part of your ability to use the Resources. You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate, correct, and up to date.
  • You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any login information associated with any account you use to access our Services. Accordingly, you are responsible for all activities that occur under your account/s.
  • Accessing (or attempting to access) any of our Services by any means other than through the means we provide, is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of our Services through any automated, unethical, or unconventional means.
  • Engaging in any activity that disrupts or interferes with our Services, including the servers and/or networks to which our Services are located or connected, is strictly prohibited.
  • You are solely responsible for any consequences, losses, or damages that we may directly or indirectly incur or suffer due to any unauthorized activities conducted by you, as explained above, and may incur criminal or civil liability.
  • We offer a range of open communication tools on our website, including but not limited to blog comments, blog posts, product ratings and reviews, and integration with various social media services. It should be noted that we typically do not conduct prior screening or continuous monitoring of content posted by users through these communication tools. Consequently, if you opt to utilize these communication tools to submit any form of content on our website, the responsibility is on you to employ them in a manner that is both responsible and ethical. This implies that you take personal responsibility for any content you post using these tools, and you must ensure that your usage complies with relevant legal regulations and ethical standards.
  • We may provide various open communication tools on our website, such as blog comments, blog posts, public chat, forums, message boards, newsgroups, product ratings and reviews, various social media services, etc. You understand that generally we do not pre-screen or monitor content posted by users of these various communication tools, which means that if you choose to use these tools to submit any type of content to our website, then it is your personal responsibility to use these tools in a responsible and ethical manner. By engaging in the act of sharing information or utilizing any accessible communication tools, as indicated, you hereby acknowledge and consent that you shall refrain from uploading, posting, distributing, or otherwise disseminating any form of content that:
  • Is illegal, threatening, defamatory, abusive, harassing, degrading, intimidating, fraudulent, deceptive, invasive, racist, or contains any type of suggestive, inappropriate, or explicit language.
  • Infringes on any trademark, patent, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights of any part:
  • Contains any type of unauthorized or unsolicicited advertising:
  • Impersonates any person or entity, including any Company employees or representatives.

We retain the authority to remove any content, solely based on our discretion, which we believe does not align with the terms outlined in this User Agreement. This also applies to content we deem offensive, harmful, objectionable, inaccurate, or content that infringes upon third-party copyrights or trademarks. Our team is not accountable for any delays or failures in the process of content removal. By posting content, you grant your consent to us for its removal, and in doing so, you relinquish any claims against us related to the removal of said content.

We reserve the right to review posts, feedback, and updates posted to this Website by any User and to remove any materials that are posted for a prohibited purpose, as well as suspend that User.

We reserve the right to review posts, feedback, and updates posted to this Website by any User and to remove any materials that are posted for a prohibited purpose, as well as suspend that User.

Please be aware that the Service may be provided by any of Lint's affiliated (defined below) companies depending on your location. Lint is not a payment processor nor a bank, we provide these through our partner who is a licensed and registered “financial institution”.

How do I check the balance in my Lint Account?

You may obtain information about the balance of funds in your Lint Account at any time by logging into your account on the Website.

Will I receive interest on the funds held in my Lint Account?

No, you will not receive interest or other earnings on the funds in your Lint Account on the Website.

What is the penalty fee or penalty charge?

Withdrawing from your plan is completely free, however, you agree that you will be charged a 2.5% penalty fee or such other percentage to be determined at our discretion, and communicated to you if you break your plan.

What do I do if my mobile device is lost or stolen or if I suspect someone has gained unauthorized access to my username or password?

If your mobile device is lost or stolen or if you suspect someone has gained unauthorized access to your username or password, you must contact us immediately at or +23481306695389 In order to take any action, you will need to provide certain User Information so we can verify your identity.plan.

Anti Money Laundering

You represent and warrant the following and shall promptly notify Lint Finance if any of the following ceases to be true and accurate: To the best of your knowledge (having made due and careful enquiries), none of the cash transferred to, withdrawn from, or used for investments on the Website, shall be derived from or related to any activity that is deemed to be in contravention or breach of applicable law; No contribution or payment by you to us shall cause us to be in violation of Applicable Law.

Should we discover that the aforementioned declarations are false or inaccurate, or if our Website and/or Services are being utilized in contravention of applicable laws or for transactions that raise suspicion, as determined by us, you agree to indemnify us against any losses, damages, or expenses we might incur as a result. You also acknowledge that we are obligated to report your actions to the appropriate authorities without seeking redress from you.

Restriction, Suspension or Termination of Lint Account

We retain the prerogative to conclude, suspend, or limit your access to your Lint Finance Account or your utilization of our Services in instances where:

  • We possess reasonable grounds to suspect that any transactions or activities within your Lint Finance Account are of a dubious nature.
  • Your actions are giving rise to issues or potential legal accountability for us or other external parties.
  • We hold rational beliefs that such constraints will bolster the security of the Website or decrease our exposure, or the exposure of others, to financial accountabilities.
  • We have reasonable grounds to believe that your conduct is in contravention of these outlined Terms or our set guidelines.
  • Notwithstanding our conscientious efforts, we are unable to authenticate or verify the information you have provided to us.
  • We find it appropriate, for any rationale and at any juncture, in our own interest as well as that of other external parties.

In circumstances where we enact a suspension, prohibition, or blockage of your entry to our Services, you are strictly prohibited from engaging in any endeavors aimed at circumventing such suspension, prohibition, or blockage. This encompasses, but is not confined to, generating and/or employing an alternative account.

In line with the limits set by relevant legislation, we maintain the prerogative to terminate (or suspend access to) your utilization of our Services.

What should I do if I receive enquiries relating to fraud?

If we contact you regarding an alleged unauthorized or fraudulent activity involving your account, it is required that you respond to any communications from us within 1 (one) Business Day of receiving our communications. This includes providing any requested information or evidence relating to the alleged unauthorized or fraudulent activity.

Unless proven otherwise by you, all our communications shall be deemed to have been received by you at the time they are sent by us.

Applicable Law

These Terms of Use shall be interpreted and governed by the laws currently in force in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Trademark License

You agree that you shall refrain from asserting or making claims to any rights or interests, either during the duration of this Agreement or thereafter, that might in any way undermine the validity of the Trademarks or any other trademark, trade name, or product designation owned by or licensed to Lint. This prohibition includes actions such as attempting to register any of the Trademarks or any such related trademarks, trade names, or product designations.

Upon the conclusion or termination of this Agreement, you are obligated to immediately discontinue any and all exhibition, promotional activities, and utilization of the Trademarks.

Intellectual Property

We do not grant any right or license to any Lint intellectual property rights by implication, estoppel, or otherwise other than those expressly mentioned in this Agreement.

Each party shall retain all intellectual property rights including all ownership rights, title, and interest in and to its own products and services, subject only to the rights and licences specifically granted herein.

Notification of Errors

You agree to notify us immediately if any error is detected while reconciling transactions that have occurred using Lint. We will investigate and rectify the errors where verified. In the event that we notice any errors, we will also investigate and rectify such errors.

Where we owe you money as a result of such errors, we will refund the amounts owed to you by a bank transfer to your Bank Account.

Failure to notify us within 45 (forty-five) days of the occurrence of an error will be deemed a waiver of your rights to amounts that are owed to you due to an error.

Will Lint Finance ever change these Terms or the Services?

We retain the right, as long as it aligns with relevant legal regulations, to provide you with any notifications regarding alterations to existing terms or the inclusion of new terms. This will be done by publishing an updated edition of these Terms on the designated website or by electronically delivering the notification to you. The decision to accept or decline an amended version of these Terms rests entirely with you. However, in order to continue utilizing the Services, it is mandatory to accept the revised Terms. If you do not consent to these Terms or any future modifications, your only option is to discontinue your access to or use of the Services. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by us, your interaction with and usage of the Services is bound by and signify your agreement to the version of these Terms that is in effect during your usage.

Additional Terms

In conjunction with your access or use of the Services, you may be subject to additional terms, rules, policies, and conditions that are posted on the Website, including, but not limited to, terms and conditions for our referral or rewards programs (the “Additional Terms”), which are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms. In the event of a conflict between any Additional Terms and these Terms, these Terms will control and supersede any such conflict, inconsistency or ambiguity.

Lint is a company incorporated in the United States of Nigeria with affiliates in Nigeria. As such, we may also be required to comply with applicable international sanction laws and regulations issued by international bodies or government agencies in the United States of America and Nigeria. Therefore, we reserve the right to terminate your account without incurring any liability, and we are under no obligation to make any payment under, or otherwise to open this account, if you violate any applicable international sanctions or there is involvement by any person (natural, corporate or governmental) listed in international or local sanctions lists, or any involvement by or nexus with countries as may be included from time to time in the sanctions list, or any of their governmental agencies.

You confirm that you will not use your Lint account to deal in, trade, transact or receive any payments relating to unauthorized activities.

You further confirm that your account shall be used solely for legal purposes and shall not be used for illegal or criminal activities, including but not limited to obtaining funds under false pretenses or any other fraudulent activity in contravention of extant laws in Nigeria.

In the event of any losses incurred by us or damage to our brand or reputation, arising from your use of the Services and/or your Lint account in contravention of any provision of our Terms, we reserve the right to take any legal actions against you as may be necessary to remedy the loss or damage.

How can I reach Lint

If you have any questions, complaints, feedback comments, or concerns regarding these Terms or the Services, please contact us at, +2348130695389 . When you contact us, please provide us with the relevant information we need to verify your account.



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